Tuesday, 11 September 2012

CCTV cameras

Infrared day
 Theses cameras are meant for the places that need to be kept under tight and strict security and surveillance round the clock. These kind of cameras dot have the limitations to work in day only as they can work equally well in the night.
Different Types of Security Cameras
Dome cameras
These kind of cameras are placed in such a manner that they cannot be detected easily by any of the visitors. They are usually placed in dark corners high up in the wall and on the ceiling.

Bullet cameras
These are tiny cameras which can be easily concealed and can be effective when it comes to keeping a strict eye.
Vandal proof cameras
These kinds of cameras are mostly used for outdoor security purposes as they cameras cannot be damaged or tampered with.

Wireless cameras
these cameras are wonderful as they don’t need or have any wires and you can place them anywhere, anytime. Neither do you need any wiring to install them.

Outdoor CCTV cameras
These cameras are meant for outdoor as they are resistant to the extremities of the weather be it hot or cold and can also withstand the rains.

Box CCTV cameras
CCTV Box Cameras are the dependable standard in professional security surveillance, and trusted by the experts. They can be used indoors as well as outdoors.

IP Cameras
IP camera is kind of a unique digital video camera that is commonly employed for keeping a strict eye to make sure that the security remains undeterred. These cameras can send and receive data via a computer network and the Internet, unlike the analog CCTV camera which can just send signals.

 A Digital Video Recorder (DVR) is an important part of the CCTV set up as all the recorded video from these CCTV cameras need to be saved in a safe storing device as tapes or hard drives. It needs a special type of software to receive the pictures and convert and same them into the data storage.
All of the above mentioned cctv cameras have got their own importance and relevance and are used according to the need of the clients or the surroundings of the installation. It all depends on the person to choose his security camera according to his own specific security needs. 

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